Connected charger x OTG – What’s the difference?

The technology market is always innovating, bringing devices that make our lives easier and improve our productivity. One of Roboflex’s latest launches is the Connected Charger, a versatile device that promises to revolutionize the way we connect and power our mobile devices. But what makes the Connected Charger so special compared to other similar technologies, such as OTG?

What is USB Host?

To better understand the differences between OTG and Connected Charger, it’s important to understand the concepts of USB host (or master) and power provider. A USB host is the device that controls communication between the computer and the peripherals connected to it, such as mouse, keyboards and USB sticks. It acts as the “brain” that manages the connections, determining which devices are connected and how they communicate with each other. For example, a computer can see everything on a connected tablet, but not vice versa. In this case, the computer is the host.

The second concept is the power provider or power source. As the name suggests, it is the device that supplies energy to the other connected devices, many USB hosts also function as energy providers, supplying the electricity needed to power the connected peripherals. However, not all OTG devices can supply enough power to keep both the mobile device and the peripherals charged.

And what is OTG?

Now that we’ve clarified a few concepts, let’s understand what an OTG is. OTG, or On-The-Go, is a feature that allows mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to behave like a host, making it possible to connect USB peripherals directly to them. With OTG, you can connect USB sticks, keyboards, mice and even digital cameras and sensors to your mobile device, expanding its usage capabilities. However, when a peripheral is connected to a mobile device, the mobile device will become the USB host and the peripheral’s power supply. In most consumer scenarios, this mode is sufficient. However, in operations, where it is essential to have continuous access to the device and peripherals while they are being powered, you need Connected Charger.

Understanding the Connected Charger

Developed by Roboflex, Connected Charger technology allows mobile devices to operate in host mode while simultaneously receiving a charge. The adapter becomes the power source for both the mobile device and the peripherals. At the same time, it acts as a hub for data between the device and USB peripherals.

Main differences between Connected Charger and OTG

As the diagrams show, the main difference between OTG and Connected Charger is who is the power provider. With OTG, the mobile device is the host and the power source. With Connected Charger, the mobile device is charged with a safe current and acts as the host for the data transfer at the same time, without relying exclusively on its own battery.

See more information on our page. Check out our list of devices that are compatible with Connected Charger technology. If you haven’t found your device on the list, click here and contact us to assess the possibility of using it with Connected Charger.

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