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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By accessing and using the Roboflex platform, you, as a user, are aware of and agree to the rules set forth in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as well as other policies set forth on the platform.

If you do not agree with any condition, we advise you not to use the platform and contact us through the channels below:


Phone: (31) 98352-0942


The platform is managed by the company MATRIXX DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PEÇAS TÉCNICAS LTDA, CNPJ nº 16.875.130/0001-08, fancy name “ROBOFLEX”.

Roboflex makes available, through the platform, products and services offered by the company. Developing, producing and commercializing solutions to integrate technology in the most diverse corporate environments.

Aiming at better conditions of use and functionality, Roboflex reserves the right to update the platform, as well as its Terms of Use, at any time. Therefore, we recommend that you frequently access our Terms of Use, or whenever you have questions, so that you are aware of the changes made.


The user of the platform must be over 18 (eighteen) years old, as well as have the legal capacity to register on the website and make purchases.

In order to have a more personalized access, the user will access the platform through an account owned by him/her. The account must be accessed through a personal e-mail and password, the user being responsible for the confidentiality of this data and for keeping his personal information complete.

The user must be aware of the actions they take within the platform, assuming full and broad responsibility for the activities carried out through their account and committing not to allow access and use by third parties.

Roboflex reserves the right to suspend or exclude the user in the event of mere suspicion or evidence that he/she has used irregular, unfair practices or that violate these Terms of Use or any other current rule.


Disclosures of new Roboflex products and services may be propagated through the website or e-mail provided by the user, in addition to satisfaction surveys, suggestions, explanations, among other interactions that may occur between Roboflex and the user.

Messages or information provided by users that contain personal data will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


The user, when accessing the platform, undertakes to act in an ethical and lawful manner, respecting this Terms of Use document, in addition to not using fraudulent means for access.

It is expressly forbidden to use the platform to disseminate abusive, obscene, offensive or discriminatory content, which violates good customs and morals, as well as defamatory and slanderous information that goes against the honor and image of the person, including a legal entity, such as Roboflex.

It is the user’s duty to provide their data and information with a commitment to truthfulness and authenticity, keeping their access always up to date. Personal information will be treated as provided in our Privacy Policy.


Roboflex seeks to adopt all possible mechanisms to keep the platform safe from third party interference. But even with all security mechanisms, we are subject to malicious events from third parties.

In this sense, Roboflex is not responsible for any damages or losses arising from possible invasions of communication platforms by third party events, including viruses or maliciously transmitted programs, hackers, system failure, server failure or improper operation.

In the virtual environment, we recommend caution when clicking on unknown links, the opening of the link being the sole responsibility of the user.

Roboflex is only responsible for material damages duly proven by direct and willful action of the Roboflex company, excluding loss of profits.


Roboflex holds the rights to its brand and logo, as well as the appropriate legal registrations of its technology.

All content presented on the platform or shared with the user is the exclusive property or license of Roboflex, including information, images, videos, brand, corporate name, schedules, files, among other content.

The use of the platform does not generate any presumption of transfer or license of ownership over the content, and it may not be disclosed by third parties without reference to Roboflex.

In the event of misuse or unauthorized sharing by Roboflex of information relating to intellectual property, a crime of unfair competition will be configured, based on art. 195 of Law No. 9,278/96, and the party that caused it will be duly held responsible.
