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Logistics and Transport

Logistics and Transport


Processes within the logistics sector demand systems that prioritize performance, portability, and, above all, connectivity. Since all operations are interconnected and data generated in each process must be available in real-time to all stakeholders.

To address this need, Roboflex® has developed comprehensive solutions that enable hardware installation without damaging vehicles, secure fixation to prevent falls due to vibrations, provide greater dynamism, and, most importantly, enhance connectivity among sensors and devices. This fosters user interaction within check-list resources, inspections, and operational tools.

Transformation of a tablet into an on-board computer for utilization in journey control, telemetry, routing, and video monitoring systems.
Enhanced connectivity between sensors and devices, utilizing wired communication technologies with the use of communication modules and hardware from the Roboflex ecosystem.
Using Roboflex brackets for fastening fatigue sensors, preventing vandalism, changes in positioning, and even theft.
User interaction within the check-list, inspection, and operational tools integrated with the ecosystem of supports, accessories, and protections.
Installation of hardware without causing damage to vehicles, securing it against the risk of falling due to vibrations and other operation-related characteristics.
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Case de sucesso

Suspendisse potenti. Donec eu odio non dolor euismod aliquam at non nibh. Sed eu imperdiet massa. In a massa ac nibh porta viverra. Vestibulum dapibus neque purus, id venenatis odio sagittis sit amet. Praesent nunc tellus, varius ut faucibus cursus, congue quis urna. Nullam euismod scelerisque rutrum. Suspendisse potenti.

Donec eu odio non dolor euismod aliquam at non nibh. Sed eu imperdiet massa. In a massa ac nibh porta viverra. Vestibulum dapibus neque purus, id venenatis odio sagittis sit amet. Praesent nunc tellus, varius ut faucibus cursus, congue quis urna. Nullam euismod scelerisque rutrum.
