Smart mining: 7 key benefits of taking your mine digital

Smart mining is the use of technology to deploy innovations in the sector and which are already revolutionizing operations across the production chain, improving workforce, safety, data protection, higher productivity and efficiency, reducing monitoring and installation costs.

Investing in smart technology is crucial for the global mining industry as it will

will help achieve long-term benefits such as greater environmental sustainability, safety and competitiveness, despite the initial investments. According to a BCG survey, companies that have invested in technology have increased their throughput by 10-20% and their productivity by up to 50%, as well as reducing the emission of polluting gases by 15-30%.

1- Socio-environmental impacts

Currently, it has become essential to use technologies that help minimize socio-environmental impacts, and ensure the safety of both workers and those living nearby. For this reason, it is important to use sensors and image monitoring software that help to supervise surfaces and issue alerts of possible irregular movements of the earth.

Sustainability in mining activities was the theme of the report published by Deloitte in 2022, which analyzed the top ten trends for the sector in a period of up to 18 months. According to the document, the coming years will have a strong impact from factors such as the transition to green energy and the need to integrate business with environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments.

2- More security

The use of tools and technology that increase safety in mines is very important, so enabling wireless remote readings and the use of autonomous trucks have become big trends for the coming years. Automated vehicles, which are already used in some mines in Brazil such as Brucutu, in Minas Gerais, and Carajás, in Pará, can be controlled by computer systems, GPS, radars and artificial intelligence and increase safety since the system is able to identify obstacles and draw new routes. Wireless remote readings can be applied using sensors, artificial intelligence and IoT (internet of things), both examples eliminate the need for people to actually be on site greatly increasing the safety of employees working in risk areas.

3- Real-time asset monitoring

Wireless monitoring and the increasing use of IoT equipment, sensors and GPS, allows information to be monitored remotely and constantly, ensuring more security and contributing to faster and more assertive decision making. One example is the monitoring of dams remotely, with information updated in real time. Another example is monitoring the volume of ore in storage piles or silos, the sensors transmit information on stock levels in real time, allowing the operation team to track ore availability and plan replenishment as needed.

4- Automation of operations

As previously mentioned, the use of autonomous trucks is already beginning to be used in Brazil, another vehicle that is a trend for the coming years are autonomous excavators, at the Totten mine in Canada, for example, the mining company implemented controls through tablets to operate the equipment remotely.

Automating mining equipment such as excavators, haul trucks and drills allows them to operate more efficiently and productively. Automated equipment can be programmed to perform tasks accurately, reducing errors and increasing operating speed. In addition, automation allows equipment to operate on a continuous basis, without the need for rest breaks, which optimizes production time.

5- Higher productivity

The use of automated equipment, controlled remotely and with programmed interactions can operate for a longer period of time, speed up production, reduce downtime and increase employee safety, directly impacting the productivity of the operation.

Mining generates a huge amount of data, and analyzing this data can provide valuable insights to improve productivity. The application of data analysis and artificial intelligence techniques allows to identify patterns, predict equipment failures, optimize the extraction process and make more informed decisions, contributing to increased productivity and reduced operating costs.

6- Cost reduction

Wireless monitoring can be used to create smart mines with lower operating costs, not only with fewer employees, but also by not using cabling or the need for maintenance.

The use of automated vehicles can also contribute to cost savings for the operation, as there is less wear and tear on parts, reducing maintenance costs by approximately 10%. There is also a reduction in fuel consumption by about 10%, which also contributes to a reduction in CO² emissions.

7- Long-term maintenance

The use of sensors that are placed on critical equipment such as excavators, haul trucks, crushers and conveyor belts collect data on temperature, vibration, pressure and other relevant parameters. The information is transmitted in real time to a central system, which allows the data to be analyzed and potential faults or operational issues to be detected. This helps avoid unplanned downtime and optimize equipment maintenance.

Final considerations

Smart mining activities are expected to triple by 2025. They bring multiple benefits and are already revolutionizing mining operations. It is clear that for a company in the sector to remain competitive in the market, keeping up with the innovations that are happening is essential.

Roboflex offers solutions that prioritize performance, portability and especially connectivity, since all operations are interconnected and the data generated in each process needs to be available in real time to all stakeholders. We have equipment that is IP65 compliant and offers resistance to dust, including low grammage grains such as ore, sand and other waste, resistance to mud, falls and shaking. Keeping the equipment safe, and ensuring connectivity with the various tools used in the operation.

The technologies used in Roboflex solutions offer compatibility for the use of sensors, industrial signal reading, amplifier boxes and device cooling, bringing greater connectivity, automation and real-time information monitoring.

Get to know our solutions for mining.

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