Tablet mounts for vehicles: the best models for every need

In the age of Industry 4.0, technology is revolutionizing the way companies manage their operations, especially in the transport, agriculture and mining industries. One of the main tools that have been widely adopted are tablets, which have become essential for improving efficiency, connectivity and productivity in trucks and tractors. In this article, we’ll explore the best tablet mounts that can be used in these vehicles, allowing them to make the most of the Industry 4.0 technological revolution.

4 The main points to consider when choosing


Resistente e confiável1.Strong and reliable mounting supports

When it comes to choosing mounts for tablets on trucks and tractors, durability is key. Robust mounting brackets are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of industrial environments. They are built with materials resistant to vibration, impact and extreme temperature variations, ensuring that the tablet remains safe and functional in all circumstances.


Suportes com ajuste de ângulo e rotação2.Mounts with angle and rotation adjustment

Flexibility is key when it comes to tablet holders for industrial vehicles. Mounts that offer angle and rotation adjustment allow operators to position the tablet in the most convenient way for viewing and accessing data in real time. This is crucial for improving ergonomics and efficiency during long working hours.


Específico para o seu negócio3.Specific to your business

In addition to the technical aspects, support specific to your business can offer a number of significant advantages. This customization can involve the integration of exclusive features or adaptations that meet the specific needs of your operation.


Instalação simples4.Simple installation

To avoid unplanned downtime and ensure continuous operation, choose supports that are easy to install and maintain. This saves time and resources in the long run.


Options for panel installation

One of the options is the screw-on base, which is designed for operations where the equipment will be fixed, without mobility and with easy access for all vehicle users. Roboflex has 4-hole and 2-hole screw base options. The latter is mainly used when space is limited. Another type of base that is ideal for installation on panels is adhesive. It makes it possible to install supports without the need to drill holes or make changes to the vehicle, and is ideal for cases where removal will be necessary after a period of time. The Roboflex® adhesive backing has a malleable flat backing with technology that adapts to the curvature of the surface where it will be applied and also the possibility of changing the adhesive refill if it is necessary to relocate.

Base parafusada em painel de veículo
Screw-on base and Roboflex® case installed in vehicle dashboard
base adesiva em painel de veículo
Support kit with adhesive base and Roboflex ® Case installed on vehicle panel







Windshield installation options

The adhesive base can also be installed on windshields as it can be applied to plastic, glass and metal. Suction cup mounts are ideal for windshield applications and for users who need to constantly remove the equipment during or at the end of an operation. Roboflex® suction cups use instant vacuum technology where the level of absorption is highly resistant over the long term, even at high operating temperatures.

base ventosa em para brisa
Kit de suporte com base ventosa e Case Roboflex® instalada em para-brisa.
case para tablet em trator
Kit de suporte com base adesiva e Case Roboflex® instalada em trator.






Options for installation on vehicle rails or tubes

Tubular bases offer a practical and safe solution for fixing to tubular objects and can be installed on tubes up to 28mm. Ideal for installation on forklift trucks, tractors and other spaces with round tubes.

base tubular
Support kit with tubular base and Roboflex® case

Final considerations

In Industry 4.0, tablets play a crucial role in optimizing operations on trucks, tractors and other vehicles to visualize information in real time. Choosing the best tablet mounts is a determining factor in ensuring that this technology is used effectively. Robust, flexible, compatible and easy-to-maintain mounts are essential for maximizing productivity and connectivity, boosting efficiency in the logistics industry, agriculture, mining and more.

Roboflex transforms customers’ operational processes into intelligent ecosystems in a personalized way, fostering constant innovation, agility in operations, greater competitiveness and greater connectivity in this digital age. Our robust mounting brackets guarantee durability in any working environment, while offering flexibility with angle and rotation adjustments to make your operation easier. With a wide range of bracket options, which allow application on different types of surfaces and environments, they enable users to access information in real time, facilitating more assertive decision-making and ensuring greater operational efficiency.

case em trator de mineração

Discover all the Roboflex® mounting options by clicking here




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