The importance of logtechs for innovation in the Brazilian logistics market

Cargo transportation in Brazil is predominantly done by road, which makes carriers and the logistics sector play a key role in the fluidity of the national market. Therefore, the implementation of technologies to facilitate and optimize cargo transportation and product delivery is crucial for the growth of the sector and for greater profitability.

Logtech is the term used for startups that operate in the logistics sector, applying technology to the transportation area. They use modern technologies and concepts such as internet of things (IoT), big data and artificial intelligence, making it possible, for example, to connect devices to vehicles to route delivery routes and carry them out at lower cost and in less time.

What differentiates a Logtech from a traditional logistics company?

A traditional carrier has a fleet of trucks and a qualified team to design the best routes, calculate freight and transport cargo to customers. Logtechs are startups that use innovative and digital solutions applied to cargo transportation, whose focus is to connect all ends of the logistics sector through new technologies, being considered companies in the technology sector. That is, both are not competitors, but allies, in order to optimize processes and offer a more practical and innovative service.

Smart technology

Currently there are several types of technology that can be applied to optimize the operation, we will mention which are the main ones below.


The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the connection of several devices and sensors through the internet, enabling the exchange of data between them. Some of the functionalities that the use of IoT allows are: vehicle and inventory tracking, video cargo monitoring, devices that allow accurate recording of goods in and out, volume and weight sensors on shelves, among others.

Big Data Analytics

Big data analysis allows you to collect a large amount of information, analyze and monitor it, contributing to more assertive and agile decision making. With this data analysis it is possible, for example, to check the products that have left the stock the most, plan the next purchases and better study consumer preferences and predict their attitudes.

Artificial intelligence

The application of artificial intelligence facilitates the monitoring of traffic conditions, route planning and cargo distribution, ensuring better use of vehicle capacity. With all the information integrated and centralized, it is possible to have quick access, facilitating the monitoring of the entire delivery cycle in real time.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a technology that allows the storage of files, software and databases on servers of companies that provide the service, allowing you to track logistics operations, change data and take other actions directly from your cell phone, tablet or other mobile device, just by having access to the internet.


The blockchain system, which became known after the popularization of bitcoin, allows the sharing of information in a more secure and traceable way. It can be applied to the logistics sector for process optimization, information protection and real-time updates. It can be used for example to sign digital contracts more quickly and securely, it dispenses with intermediate bureaucracies such as notaries, since authentication is electronic and automates the generation and signing of documents.

Another example of application is to increase the connectivity of the entire logistics chain, to keep everyone informed in the operation, from its development and transportation, to its delivery to the final consumer.

Final considerations

Logtechs have brought innovations and optimized processes throughout the logistics chain, making services more competitive and offering maximum efficiency with lower costs, directly impacting customer satisfaction.

Roboflex has innovative solutions that allow the equipment to be used both in fixed locations in vehicles or warehouses, as well as in field operations, which give greater mobility and flexibility, always maintaining safety and protection against falls, impacts and vibrations.











Roboflex offers complete solutions that enable the installation of hardware without damage to vehicles, fixing without risk of falling, greater dynamism and especially, greater connectivity between different types of systems, sensors and monitoring devices, promoting user interaction with operational resources and tools. This allows the user to follow all the information in real time, such as better route planning, monitoring of traffic conditions and cargo monitoring.

Get to know our solutions for the logistics sector.

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