Digital farming: what it is and what the main advantages are

What is digital agriculture

Digital agriculture is the use of integrated and connected digital technologies through software, systems and equipment to automate and improve agricultural production. Also known as agriculture 4.0, it can use advanced technologies such as sensors, GPS, drones, artificial intelligence, data analysis, planters and harvesters with integrated digital tools to optimize production. All these tools used in conjunction with IoT, which stands for Internet of Things, are capable of interconnecting devices and objects and exchanging data with each other via the Internet, so that the producer always has the data updated in real time.

Technology in agriculture has already been applied for some years, in response to the digital age, known as Industry 4.0, which involves the increased use of technology throughout the industry. According to a study carried out by Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), INPE (National Institute for Space Research) and Sebrae, in 2020, 84% of Brazilian agricultural producers already used at least one technology in their production process, and the trend for the coming years is that the use of these tools will become increasingly common and be part of different stages of production.

Currently, digital agriculture is a great ally of precision agriculture, which also uses tools to collect important data for crop management.

We will mention below the main advantages of using technology in the field to increase productivity and efficiency.

Advantages of using technology in the field
Better use of resources

By betting on digital agriculture, smart systems will promote efficient use of agribusiness resources, such as water and fertilizers, for example. Real-time data analysis enables strategic decision-making in the sector, optimizing production.

Through technology, it is possible to better identify bottlenecks and waste in the business, measuring processes correctly. This allows a better allocation of resources to eliminate unnecessary expenses.

Improved product quality

With a better use of resources, it is possible to achieve superior quality products, but there are other technologies that can assist in this process, such as the use of sensors. Through them it is possible to collect various information about the situation of the crop, such as humidity meters, soil temperature and health, wind, relative humidity, among many others. Through this information it is possible to understand what care the production is lacking and where the producer needs to demand more attention to achieve better results.

Reduced costs and greater efficiency

The use of drones and satellite images are extremely effective tools in collecting information for the composition of the database and the action of artificial intelligence. This equipment can make a complete scan of the entire planting area, compiling information at the same time as the data is collected, more quickly and with only one operator responsible for handling the equipment. Today, agricultural drones already come with sprayers, at the same time that they travel the perimeter of the crop, they already apply pesticides or fertilizers.

The use of autonomous vehicles are among the major trends in the sector and also contribute to lower spending and greater efficiency, these vehicles do not require a driver to drive the machines, everything can be done remotely and can cover a large area using less fuel compared to other methods.

More assertive decision making

Through the use of applications and software aimed at technology in agribusiness management, it is possible to manage and monitor information in real time, either on tablets or even on the cell phone itself, contributing to more assertive decision making. Among the features of this equipment we can highlight:

  • monitoring of price variations in the market;
  • climate predictability;
  • management of rural production activities;
  • monitoring the occurrence of diseases in the plantation;
  • control of machinery for harvesting, planting and spraying

Helps promote more sustainable practices

With more accurate data, it is possible to make better choices, reduce losses and increase the autonomy of agricultural systems. With these benefits, producers can increase production, reduce waste, improve profitability and ensure the quality of agricultural products. And all this can be done without opening new areas of land, since the technologies allow the optimization and increase of production in areas that are already used for agriculture, in this way, the sector contributes to the preservation of natural resources and makes the agricultural system more sustainable.

A trend that can also contribute to more sustainable practices, are autonomous machines powered by renewable energy, such as solar energy for example.

Better workflow management

The trend is for agricultural equipment and machinery to become increasingly autonomous, being guided from a distance and monitored by various technologies, this allows the workflow to be programmed and managed more easily, thus avoiding the idleness of the machines.

Greater competitiveness

According to forecasts by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), food production could reach 300-350 million tons in the 2028/2029 harvest. This highlights how Brazil is one of the largest producers and exporters of agricultural products in the world and it is essential to strengthen the use of technology in rural industries to ensure the competitiveness of Brazilian agriculture. Through the use of tools that will increase productivity, efficiency and quality of products.

Final considerations

Digital agriculture is already a reality for many Brazilian producers, and the estimate is that the use of these tools will become increasingly common, not only for large producers but for medium and small ones as well. With the implementation of several tools for automation and data exchange in production, it becomes necessary to use devices that offer connectivity and centralize information in one place.

Roboflex offers solutions that promote the connectivity of your operation, implementing hardware in an innovative and customized way, since all operations need to be interconnected and the data generated in each process needs to be available in real time to all interested parties. Roboflex develops solutions that enable the installation of hardware without damage to vehicles, fixing without risk of falling, greater dynamism and connection between different types of systems, sensors and monitoring devices, promoting user interaction with operational resources and tools.

Roboflex tablet cases have a degree of protection compatible with IP54 or IP65, offering resistance to dust, mud, water and falls, ensuring greater durability of the equipment.

In addition, the range of supports is extremely versatile and adaptable to customer needs, ensuring simple and efficient installation. This allows the solution to be easily applied in different environments, equipment and agricultural machinery.

Get to know our solutions for agriculture.

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